Sunday, April 04, 2010

Spring crafting and a very happy Easter

We're having so much fun making spring-inspired crafts this year! I made these two little guys above for the boys' Easter baskets this year.

We've been decorating our windows with colorful things to bring even more brightness inside. Like these window stars in springy colors.

We made a window clover for St. Patrick's Day

and these kirigami flowers...these are so easy to make and look so pretty with the light shining through. Now that we've discovered these, you won't be able to stop me from making millions! :-) Big brother can make them on his own, too.

These flowers were fun as there was a lot of tracing and cutting involved. It took big brother a very long time to cut out around all those little fingers!

We dyed our eggs the traditional Swiss way this year, with onion skins. You then press leaves and flowers against the eggs and wrap with nylons and boil them and you get a sort of botanical print right on the egg. The farmers at the farmer's market sell them and they are so beautiful. I have a long way to go before I perfect the technique.

This batch was initially dyed with Yellowwood, but the color was much too pale so we ended up dying color on top of that and they turned out rather pretty in the end.

Here are our sweet boys after their egg hunt in our yard.

Big brother was very nice and made sure to let the little one find some of the eggs for himself.


1 comment:

Sara said...

Cute! Those look like some happy boys... and I love your spring-colored window decor.